Minding your swimming pool.


Minding your swimming pool…
When Gympie Pool Builders has arrived at practical completion of your swimming pool you might wish to take an interest in how to do general upkeep of your beautiful new concrete swimming pool. Over time we will show you how to upkeep your swimming pool successfully. When it comes to servicing, we highly recommend you use ourselves or a skilled pool service agent to do it for you to ensure everything is in balance for the health and well-being of yourself, family and friends using your swimming pool. Over Winter with little use we recommend getting your swimming pool serviced professionally every 4 weeks and over summer every fortnight. If you have very high usage during very hot weather it is a good idea to do it weekly. The most important thing to do after a newly pebbled swimming pool is to use the brush daily to sweep the walls and floor. This is something you or your children can do to ensure the calcium that is releasing from the pebble during the first few weeks is brushed off. During our servicing we will pick up excess calcium you have been sweeping. We will ensure your chemical balance does the rest. The beginning processes are very important for the longevity of your new pebble crete and it is important it is done correctly.